Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Swine Flu

Yes, the swine flu has hit our home and has been awful. It has knocked poor Bradyn off of his feet since last Wednesday. It has been a rough road but I think that we are on our way to recovery- FINALLY! His temp has been as high as 103.7 which is scary. I was VERY close to taking him to the ER last Thursday because I thought he was dehydrated but then he started to drink again for me. Saturday he woke up with no symptoms and was acting totally normal so Bob and I went to the wedding that we planned to go to. Bob and I have only been out 4 times now by ourselves since we had Bradyn so we were happy we were able to go. We had a good time and Bradyn loved his sitter. It was one of his old daycare teachers that doesn't work there anymore.

However, on Sunday he had a relapse and woke up with a fever again. The literature on swine flu says that if kids have a relapse they are to go to the ER so off we went. What a joke that was! The doctor told us what we already knew- rest, fluids, Tylenol/Motrin and monitor his breathing. FRUSTRATING needless to say.

He had not eaten since SAT lunch until last eve. Today he woke up and ate cereal and lunch so we are on our way to recovery. However, he still has a fever and is a little fussy and now I have a sore throat and fever. UGGGHHH!

He was to get his regular flu vaccine today but that is on hold until his temp is gone which I am praying that by Thursday he is better. He missed his first field trip to the pumpkin patch today and Thursday is his Halloween party so I hope he is better then.

I am posting some pics from our family trip to the pumpkin patch. Enjoy! Hopefully by the next post we are all healthy again!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oh the joys of a child

I know that I promised to be better at blogging and haven't lived up to that promise- sorry. I will try to be better! All is well with us for the most part. Poor Bradyn is getting sick. He woke with a pretty congested cough today and now has a fever. UGH! I called the pediatrician and I am sure that they are tired of crazy parents calling concerned that their child has the H1N1 ! They really have no recommendations for a 2 year old other than honey for the cough and Tylenol for the fever. I pray that he feels better soon. He is napping now so that is the only reason I am getting this blog done. Usually he is on my lap EVERY time I am at the computer.

Otherwise we have all been doing well. Bradyn has been extra funny lately with the things that he says. That boy has brought so much joy to our lives! He continues to learn new things every day. Sunday school is going well for him. He still has issues of us leaving him there because he hasn't gotten adjusted to a new atmosphere yet and new kids so he's a little clingy on Sunday mornings but his teacher is good at distracting him so that we can sneak out. Bob and I have been enjoying that hour together by having coffee and reading a book at IHOP (I know it makes us sound old!) but it has been very relaxing for us both.

Daycare has been going well for Bradyn. He went on his first field trip a few weeks ago to the fire station and they learned fire safety so he had fun with that. He has been coming home everyday telling on the other children- it is so funny! "Momma- Dufus (his pronunciation of Joseph :) !) threw rocks today and went to the corner" He cracks me up. He has been saying "hey dude" in the car when someone is driving bad (not sure where he got that) and "O my gosh" so funny! Today I got him to sing a bunch of songs for me and got him on the video camera- he was into performing today!

Saturday, Bob and I have a wedding to go to so Bradyn's old daycare teacher is coming to babysit him. He is VERY excited to see her. And WE are excited to go out and have a little fun by ourselves. It will only be the 3rd time we have had a sitter so we will enjoy ourselves. We usually take Bradyn with us every where we go.

I will try to post on Sunday. Have a good rest of the week!