Sunday, March 21, 2010

First day of spring

Saturday was to be the first day of spring- however it snowed and rained here and was only 33 degrees! The day before it was 64- what happened?? I was really enjoying a week long of warm weather and then the weekend rolls around and it snows?? Oh well- supposedly we are to see warm weather again this week!

Not much happening here. My pregnancy is going well. The baby is starting to move a lot more so that is fun. However, she is a little stubborn because when I want Bradyn to feel her move she stops!!

We stayed indoors this weekend and got some spring cleaning done even though it's definitely not spring outside! Bob leaves for another trip tomorrow so it will be me and the little guy for a few days. Three weeks in a row of him traveling is enough for me. Bradyn starts swim lessons on Wednesday so I will be taking him. Oh what fun to see my prego body in a swimsuit!!

Bradyn's list of funny things continues to grow- there is never a day that he doesn't crack us up! I really wish that I could record all the funny things he says! This week at daycare he was playing outside with an older girl and told me that they were looking for dinosaur bones- I asked him if they found any and he said no- thank goodness!

I took him for pictures this past week and the whole way there he told me he was NOT having his picture taken and then cried for about the first 10 minutes we were there while drooling all over his sweater! I was ready to leave but we were the only ones there so the 2 girls were able to slowly get him to cooperate and I ended up getting some adorable pics. He meanwhile fell in love with the pretty blond photographer and was playing blocks on the floor with her while I was ordering pics. He did not want to leave and was quite upset that we did!! He has a thing for blonds because his little girlfriend at school is blond too! Oh my!!

He has started to tell me "Momma when I get big I go to work and when you get little you go to school!" and "Momma when I get big I wear undies and when you get little you wear diapers and I take care of you!" Too funny!

He woke up Sunday saying that he wanted to go downstairs to see what the Easter bunny brought him. He was quite disappointed when I told him he has a couple of weeks yet before the bunny comes! He is excited to have an egg hunt while Bob's parents are here.

That is the news from here. Have a great week! I will try to get some pics posted when Bob gets home!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Long overdue pics!

I promise that this post is going to have lots of pics! We are finally all on the road to recovery in our household- yippee! It has been a VERY long winter filled with illnesses so I am looking forward to spring! I have seen and heard some signs of spring this week so I am convinced that it's right around the corner! The birds are out chirping and the sun is shining and it is to be in the 50's this weekend! We are doing a spring dance!!

Bradyn is growing every day and learning so many new things! He continues to amaze me and it is hard to believe that my baby will be 3 in a month! He is such a sweet mild mannered child and I hope that he continues to be that way. He can be such a charmer. He gets compliments on his behavior every where we go. He Sunday school teacher calls him a "doll."

He cracks us up everyday with something he says! He continues to think that he has a baby growing in his belly also and it is his baby sister! He talks to his belly and mine all the time! He told me that he is going to feed the baby milk and that his baby sister is going to wear a dress! From day one he has referred to baby as his baby sister and it turns out that he is right! I went for my sono on Thursday and the doctor is pretty sure that we are having a girl! We are looking forward to her arrival! Bradyn went with us and he was so excited to see the baby moving around in my tummy. The doctor gave him his own sono picture which made Bradyn's day! He was all smiles. He told me on the way home that he is going to buy his baby sister "baby dresses, hair pretties (he must have learned that at school) and baby dolls!" He is too cute! He was so wound up that night talking about the baby AND he still thinks that he has a baby in his belly also! He says "you have a baby sister in you belly and I have a baby sister in mine too!"

He had a date with momma Wednesday! We went shopping (it felt so good to get out) and went out for lunch. He did really well and probably ate the best ever at a restaurant! He was so excited to hang out with momma and he LOVES to go shopping (he definitely doesn't get that from his daddy!!)

A few cute other things that he has said recently; We were watching the Olympics every evening while they were on and he was really into it. He loves Apolo and recognizes him whenever he's on TV. He also loves to watch hockey. He told me that he is going to play for the Penguins some day- I told him to go for it!!

When I put lotion on him I always take off my rings and he has always asked me "Who get you those, Momma?" So I explain to him that daddy bought them for me and when he gets bigger and meets a very nice girl that he can buy her a ring and get married. He then tells me that there are 2 very nice girls at school- Jordan (who is a year older than him-going for the older women already!) and Audrey who is in his class! Too funny. He has also told me this week that Audrey is his girlfriend! Oh my starting at a young age!!