Wednesday, September 30, 2009

End of summer pictures

These pics are LONG overdue-I know. It has been so busy here lately. The weather has been cold. Bradyn finished his swim lessons last night and now he has a 2 week break before the next session starts. He started going to Sunday school a few weeks ago and has really enjoyed it. He must really be listening because he asked me in church " Momma, where is God?" Too cute for a 2 year old. He is one smart boy.

I hope that you enjoy the pics and I am going to TRY and keep up with my posts better!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

God has a plan

This is very difficult for me to write but I think that it may help a bit with my healing process if I can express myself in writing. Bob and I found out that we were expecting baby #2 a few weeks ago and were ecstatic of course to give Bradyn a sibling. Bradyn was very excited too and kept saying that he had a baby in his belly just like Mommy. Too cute. Well I went in for a sono on Thursday and got horrible news that there was no heartbeat. There was definitely a baby there but no heartbeat. Of course the tears just started flowing from Bob and I both. I am thankful that he went with me. The doctor was very sincere and he had a very long discussion with us. I am thankful that I have such a caring and compassionate physician. I was 9 weeks along but the baby only measured to be 7 weeks and 3 days so the baby had passed about a week and a half ago. We are heartbroken. I had a D&C on Friday and I am thankful that I was able to have it done right away instead of waiting through the weekend. It has been a horrible few days for us. Physically I feel fine but emotionally I am a mess.

I know that God has a plan for us and I pray to him that he can help us through this difficult time and help to heal our pain. I would not wish this on anyone. It is a horrible thing to go through. It is difficult to understand why these things happen and only God knows why.

I am trying to keep myself busy and having Bradyn around is a great distraction for me. I thank God everyday for giving us him because he has brought so much joy to our lives. I hope that in time we will be able to move on and that God will give us another healthy child someday.

Please keep us in your prayers. I pray for all the women out there that have gone through this. I thank God everyday for giving me a loving and supportive husband and a beautiful child. If anyone has any advice on how to cope with this please let me know.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fall has settled in

Sorry that I have been bad about keeping this updated! I have gotten on facebook and so I haven't been blogging as much. I will try to do better. We have a had a great past few weeks. Bob's parents were here a couple of weeks ago and Bradyn had a good time with them. We haven't seen them for awhile so it was great to have company. We went shopping one day and went to the zoo one day. Bradyn LOVES animals and did not want to leave. It was a cool day but no rain so that was great.

This past weekend we went to the last home baseball game for our minor league team in town and they had fireworks after which they always have the best fireworks display. Then Saturday Bob raced his RC car and so Bradyn and I did some errands and then took him dinner at the track. On Sunday we went camoping. It was so much fun! Minus the rain. It decided to pour down rain Sunday evening and we had a hard a time getting a fire going and making dinner. It finally stopped raining and we got to enjoy the camp fire. We went fishing and Bradyn caught 4 fish on Sunday and 3 on Monday. Then he got bored with it. He had a great time and the weather was great on Monday. He slept really well in the tent. It was a great couple of days with the hubby and Bradyn. Plus Bob is an excellent cook on the campfire. He had lots of practice as a Boy Scout!

This week is going well. Busy at work yesterday. Today is my bday and so I am enjoying my day off. Bradyn has swim lessons tonight so we will go out to eat on Friday to one of my favorite places- OUTBACK! YUMMY!!!

On a sad note, there was a little girl in Bradyn's class at school that drowned on Monday. She managed to climb under the solar cover on the family's swimming pool and fell in. She was 2 1/2 and had Down's syndrome. She was a very cute little girl. Please keep her family in your prayers at this difficult time.

I will try to get pics up this week yet and get caught up!