Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Wow, Bradyn's vocabulary over the past few weeks has been unbelievable. He is really putting words together to make sentences. It is so fun to hear him talk. He is constantly saying something! There are a few times that it is hard to make out what he is saying but they are few and far between.

Tuesday he told me at breakfast that 'Peyton is my best friend!" I was like wow buddy where did you hear those words from- amazing for a 2 year old. He had water day at school and when he came home he said 'Joseph dumped water on me!" Too funny. They started water day Tuesday and it's going to be twice a week for the summer and occasionally they will take the kids to the pool in town. For water day they have several of those plastic pools set up in the playground and let the kids splash around. He loved it. good activity this week for sure since it has been almost 100 degrees every day!!

He has started using the potty again at school a few times a day. When Bob and I are off in July that is going to be the week that we try the full potty training deal. Hopefully it will work. He is around some older kids in his class that are potty trained and so I think that will help.

We went to swim class Wednesday. Got some errands done around the house today and we went outside to play with the elmo sprinkler. Well it took me more time to get him ready than it was worth it. He would run around the are the sprinkler was spraying because he didn't want to get wet. He would only run through the water if I held his hand. So we lasted about 15 minutes and came in!

Thursday I got a call from daycare because Bradyn just wasn't acting like himself - he laid down on the ground and didn't want to do anything. He had a fever and runny nose and watery eyes and refused to eat or drink so I knew something was brewing. We ended up going to the doctor and he thinks it's all allergy related with a possible virus on top of it all. He started him on a nasal spray (oh what fun that is to do to a 2 year old!!) and singulair in addition to his allegra. Poor kid is just miserable with all this congestion. He is a little better today. Daycare got concerned because of everything that happened 2 weeks ago.

On a sad note I got some bad news about my friend Julie. Over the weekend she was having some numbness on the left side of her body so she went to the ER and they did a CT of her brain and she has at least 20 lesions on her brain now. She is having a extreme difficult time dealing with this news and so are all of we. When she was first diagnosed in Feb she had a CT then and her brain was fine so just in 4 short months this has happened. She has been getting chemo but it obviously is helping. Please keep her and her family in your prayers at this difficult time. She needs it!!

Have a great weekend and I am going to post the rest of our pics from our trip to NYC- they are actually from when we got to stop and visit our family in PA!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

To all the Father's out there I hope that you had a great day! To my husband and best daddy in the world it was fun to spend the day together as a family. We went to church this morning and then went to the state wildlife park to eat brunch and visit the animals. It decided to rain this morning but by the time we were done eating it got nice and we were able to walk around the park. It got very hot and humid! Bradyn had fun looking at the animals and spending the day with daddy.

It has been a busy but healthy week. Finally!! Bradyn started his new class on Monday and did well. The 4 kids that were in his class all moved up with him so that made it easier. He clung to me like a monkey on Monday but didn't cry and then did great after that. Wednesday he and I did some errands and then he had swim class that night. The kid cracks me up sometimes- usually on a daily basis - Wednesday I was changing his diaper and he was kicking me so I said "Bradyn Long be nice" and he said "Mommy Long be nice!" He has gotten his last name down!!

Saturday night we decided to go the local baseball game - they are a minor team for the cubs- Bradyn did great the entire game! I was quite surprised. He loved watching the people and then they had fireworks afterwards. He sat and watched those like he was in a trance. It was a beautiful night for a game but very humid. It was fun.

We have a busy week ahead of us. Have a great week!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Getting Better

Bradyn is getting better slowly- he has a horrible congested cough that runs with the course of mycoplasma. We went to the pediatrician on Monday for his followup and that's what he told us. His appetite has increased and he 's drinking fluids again for me. I ended up getting sick a few days after him even with being on antibiotics. I still have a sore throat but it is getting better.

It has been a long 1 1/2 weeks. I am ready for everyone to be feeling better so we can go out and enjoy the warm weather. We did get out to enjoy our little festival in town this past weekend. It's called the Turkey Festival because of all the turkey farms in town (I just learned that). They have carnival rides, craft shows, entertainment and lots of other little events. The best part of it all is the turkey sandwiches and strawberry shortcakes! Bradyn had a great time and the weather was great.

Bradyn moved up to the next class on Monday. He clung to me like a monkey but didn't cry. He was not interested in moving to a new class even though the 3 other kids that were in his previous room moved with him! He ended up having a great time. They are teaching them how to say their last names currently which Bradyn has caught on to but sometimes he will say his first name and then his best little buddies last name -too funny!

I am going to post the last of our NYC pics and then hopefully I can get caught up. Have a great week!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Scare of a Lifetime

This week has been awful . Started out with Bradyn getting a fever Sunday night of 102. Monday he got up and was perfectly normal except for the fever. So I stayed home from work in the morning and called the doctor. They told me that Roseola and Fifth's disease were going around. So Bradyn ate great all day and drank (I thought enough) a lot. Bob came home and stayed home with him in the afternoon so I could work 1/2 a day. Same thing for him except his fever got to 102.5! Still acting normal. We went to bed and then Tuesday morning was a nightmare!

At 5:30am Bradyn called Mommy and I went to his room after grabbing the thermometer and he said downstairs and walked over to his bed and collapsed face down on his bed. I yelled his name and he didn't respond so I picked him up and tried to arouse him and he would open his eyes slightly and they were rolled back in his head and his limbs were limp. So I carried him to our room and told Bob to call 911. This brings tears to my eyes as I am typing. That boy is my baby and as I always tell him he will ALWAYS BE MOMMY's BABY! I of course was hysterical and Bob gave me the phone to talk to 911 (I would NEVER want to be a 911 dispatcher dealing with hysterical people like me) as he tried to keep Bradyn awake. The police FINALLY showed up (it really wasn't that long but of course at that moment it felt like eternity!) He really didn't do anything but stayed with us until the ambulance arrived. We have a great group of people that volunteer for that job in our small community. Bradyn and I went by ambulance and Bob followed behind. (We got to ride in a week old Ambulance- really not the way that I wanted to see the inside of it) We finally got to the hospital and Bradyn was given such great care in the ER.

When we arrived they got a blood sugar on him and it was only 34(Boy did we get IMMEDIATE attention then) A Doctor comes flying in with 3 nurse and they gave him 3 huge syringes full of dextrose and it really didn't do anything for him. So then they hooked him up to IV fluids and finally after some fluids he began to communicate with us. His temp was only 101. We spent about 4 1/2 hours in the ER and then they wanted to keep him overnight to recheck his blood sugar and run some labs on him. We finally got to our room and he slept A LOT yesterday afternoon. He ate dinner but vomited everything back up. We found out that he tested positive for MYCOPLASMA. Which explains everything. It is very contagious so we were put in isolation and then I called our Doctor to get Bob and I started on antibiotics also. What a long day!

Bradyn was a real trooper through the whole thing. They stuck his poor little finger 3 time for blood sugars and started an IV in the ER and he never even cried. He was pretty much out of it at that time. Finally yesterday afternoon he started to perk up a little and cried when the resident came in to check his throat. He had already been through the painful stuff- finger sticks, IV's and rectal temps! I just think that he had had enough! He slept through the night and I actually had to wake him this am at 7:30! I can't remember the last time that has happened! He ate great this am and was totally back to normal so we got to come home. He has 4 more days of antibiotics to go.

Being a nurse I think made the whole situation worse for me because of knowing too much. It was the scariest thing. I am grateful for everyone that kept Bradyn in their prayers. I thank GOD for taking care of him and healing him and blessing us with this amazing and wonderful boy!. GOD is amazing!

On a funny note and about the only thing that was funny through this whole situation is that while we were in the ER, after Bradyn became more alert and realized he had an IV he looked at me and said-"Mommy I want my thumb!" The bad mother that I am I was not thinking when the nurse put the IV in but she used his right arm which is the thumb that he sucks and he couldn't get to it!!

I will post an update later this week when things are back to normal!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Rough start to the week

Well, the 24 hour bug hit our house this week. I was the lucky one of the group. It started last Sunday- Bradyn had a fever and was vomiting. By Monday morning he was fine and went to daycare. However, Bob who NEVER misses work got it Monday morning and missed work. By Monday evening he was feeling better. Not sure how it missed me!

Other than that not much else happening this week. Bradyn did start his next session of swim classes on Wednesday and did really well. We have had very rainy weather and strong storms this week. It was nice yesterday and rainy again today. Have a great week and I will post more pics from our trip to NYC!