Wow, Bradyn's vocabulary over the past few weeks has been unbelievable. He is really putting words together to make sentences. It is so fun to hear him talk. He is constantly saying something! There are a few times that it is hard to make out what he is saying but they are few and far between.
Tuesday he told me at breakfast that 'Peyton is my best friend!" I was like wow buddy where did you hear those words from- amazing for a 2 year old. He had water day at school and when he came home he said 'Joseph dumped water on me!" Too funny. They started water day Tuesday and it's going to be twice a week for the summer and occasionally they will take the kids to the pool in town. For water day they have several of those plastic pools set up in the playground and let the kids splash around. He loved it. good activity this week for sure since it has been almost 100 degrees every day!!
He has started using the potty again at school a few times a day. When Bob and I are off in July that is going to be the week that we try the full potty training deal. Hopefully it will work. He is around some older kids in his class that are potty trained and so I think that will help.
We went to swim class Wednesday. Got some errands done around the house today and we went outside to play with the elmo sprinkler. Well it took me more time to get him ready than it was worth it. He would run around the are the sprinkler was spraying because he didn't want to get wet. He would only run through the water if I held his hand. So we lasted about 15 minutes and came in!
Thursday I got a call from daycare because Bradyn just wasn't acting like himself - he laid down on the ground and didn't want to do anything. He had a fever and runny nose and watery eyes and refused to eat or drink so I knew something was brewing. We ended up going to the doctor and he thinks it's all allergy related with a possible virus on top of it all. He started him on a nasal spray (oh what fun that is to do to a 2 year old!!) and singulair in addition to his allegra. Poor kid is just miserable with all this congestion. He is a little better today. Daycare got concerned because of everything that happened 2 weeks ago.
On a sad note I got some bad news about my friend Julie. Over the weekend she was having some numbness on the left side of her body so she went to the ER and they did a CT of her brain and she has at least 20 lesions on her brain now. She is having a extreme difficult time dealing with this news and so are all of we. When she was first diagnosed in Feb she had a CT then and her brain was fine so just in 4 short months this has happened. She has been getting chemo but it obviously is helping. Please keep her and her family in your prayers at this difficult time. She needs it!!
Have a great weekend and I am going to post the rest of our pics from our trip to NYC- they are actually from when we got to stop and visit our family in PA!!