Wednesday, March 11, 2009

23 months old

Wow, how time flies! My baby will be 2 in another month. I can not believe it. It seems like yesterday that he was born. As I tell him, he will always be my baby no matter how old he is. I ask him "whose baby are you?" and his reply is "mommy's baby" It is so cute!

We were going to run some errands today but is very cold and very windy outside so we decided to stay home and get some things done. Bradyn slept until 9:30! He was exhausted. I think he is starting to go through the terrible two's because he has become very stubborn especially in the mornings. He refuses to get dressed for me and it has become this huge battle. (I told Bob- remember he acts like daddy and looks like mommy :) ) He wants to do things his way only and if I allowed him he would wear his pj's to school everyday! Wouldn't I get the mother of the year award??

Not much is happening here. Sure hope that the weather warms up. Gotta go get some things done while Bradyn is napping. Have a great week and see ya Sunday! Will post pics then!

1 comment:

PletcherFamily said...

Ah the twos. I haven't met a toddler yet that didn't have a stubborn streak. This too, will pass. :)